The Box of Secrets
Pick a variety of locks while practicing your problem-solving capabilities to ultimately open The Box of Secrets! The craftsmanship put into the variety of exquisite boxes you’ll encounter at each of the levels is truly awe-inspiring, even for a layman. Additionally, the soothing classical music adds a much-appreciated sophisticated touch to this enticing brain game.
Even though you’re essentially thieving, you’ll feel like an extraordinary gentleman while doing it. The hidden treasures you find inside the boxes will become useful to unlock the ones in the upcoming levels, so the entirety of the gameplay is connected with a delicate thread.
How to play The Box of Secrets
After you’re done admiring the high-end woodworking boxes from all angles, you should be able to spot specific mechanisms that can be interacted with. These are usually locks but also buttons or secret hinges, often hidden in plain sight. As you open more and more boxes, the items from them are added to the inventory and can be used in later levels.
Make sure to inspect the entirety of the chest thoroughly before you start making assumptions about how to open it. Use deductive reasoning to piece clues together and take the correct course of action. Once you get your hands on the prized possessions inside, proceed to pick more locks successfully!
What are the controls for The Box of Secrets?
- Click or tap to inspect the specific sections of the box more closely.
- Hold and drag to use the items from your inventory: the hinges, keys, and a variety of other things.
- A highly immersive lock-picking brain game
- Exquisite woodworking and soothing classical music
- Increasingly complex mechanisms to crack
- A perfect game for all the gentlemanly thieves
November 2022
Alle Geräte