Adversator is an epic Dota 2 lookalike browser MOBA game with a dozen strength, agility, and intelligence-based heroes. Each of the champions has 4 abilities that can be upgraded as you level them up – 3 basic and the ultimate. To complement your character’s unique skillset, there are 85 items you can purchase at the shop, and you only have 6 inventory slots.
Creeps move across 3 lanes (top, bottom, and mid) in waves and the first team to destroy the enemy base wins. Just like any MOBA, this game isn’t very noob-friendly and takes patience, dedication, and a lot of practice to get better at. Only when you’re good enough to start owning, it becomes highly entertaining, while it’s often quite frustrating otherwise.
How to play Adversator
You get gold and XP for last-hitting mobs in lanes or killing opposing players. With gold earned, you will buy items that will improve your hero’s attributes immensely. It’s very important to establish a solid core item build for your character because power spikes after purchasing some of the items play a huge role in catching the enemies off guard.
For beginners, we highly recommend you pick a single hero and play with it repeatedly until you’ve mastered the ins and outs of the intricate gameplay. Eventually, you need to know which abilities each of the heroes has so you can counter their plays appropriately. Don’t rage and communicate with your team to improve the odds of victory!
What are the controls for Adversator?
You can play Adversator exclusively in a PC browser. You can change the key bindings in-game and the defaults are shown in the list below:
- Skills (1-4) — A, Z, E, R
- Inventory (1-6) — S, D, F, X, C, V
- Teleport — T
- Open Shop — B
- Camera focus — Space
- Auto-attack/move — Right mouse button
- Cast a spell — Skill hotkey + Left mouse button
- A browser Dota 2 lookalike 5v5 MOBA game
- Steep learning curve and competitive gameplay
- Very enjoyable once you eventually get good at it
- Quite frustrating while playing as a noob
Release date
January 2025
Paradoks Studio